Newest Deer Park City Council Members & Mayor Take Oath

Reciting the Oath Of Office from left to right, Jason Upchurch, Tim Verzal, and Heather Newsom.

Two new leaders are taking office in Deer Park as 2021 comes to a close. Mayor Tim Verzal was also re-elected to continue his mayoral role for an additional four years.

A brief ceremony at City Hall took place on December 22nd to swear in Council members Jason Upchurch and Heather Newsom as new members and Mayor Tim Verzal. The new group of elected officials will hold their first regular scheduled City Council Meeting on January 5th.

Oath Of Office
Deer Park’s elected officers are required to recite and sign the oath of office. The signed oath is filed with the county auditor. 

I _______________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States and State of Washington; that I am legally qualified to assume the office of City of Deer Park – ______________; that I will support the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of this office, to the best of my ability.

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